Why ModernLTV is NOT a CDP

What is a customer data platform (CDP) and is a traditional CDP the right solution for your subscription business?

Zack Babin
February 28, 2024

In the world of DTC subscription businesses, customer data is the foundation for customer retention and revenue growth. However, most subscription businesses face increasingly siloed and complex data sources, that results in little to no actionable customer insights and highly manual or technical workflows. This is where Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) come in, but are they solving the real problem with the right solution? Let's explore.

What is a Customer Data Platform (CDP)?

A CDP is a technology solution designed to collect, unify, and organize customer data from various sources. It creates a centralized hub for understanding customer behavior across touchpoints. In short, a CDP lays the foundation for data-driven marketing and customer experience strategies.

The traditional CDP value proposition

  • Single Customer View: CDPs merge first-party, second-party, and third-party data to provide a comprehensive 360-degree view of each customer.
  • Segmentation and Personalization: CDPs enable targeted marketing campaigns and personalized experiences based on customer preferences and behavior.
  • Improved Analytics: CDPs provide robust data analysis tools to uncover customer insights, identify trends, and optimize marketing spend

Traditional CDPs: A comparative analysis

Here's a breakdown of some leading CDPs, outlining their features, pricing, technical requirements, and implementation time:

  • Core features: Data collection, transformation, activation
  • Engineering required: Low code to launch and ongoing use
  • Target users: Data, engineering teams; Product teams require engineer support
  • Data management: Requires engineering to create or modify data
  • Enrichment/intelligence: Identity resolution & event tracking

  • Core features: Focus on data syncing to operational tools
  • Engineering required: Low code to launch and ongoing use; SQL or BI tool required for each source
  • Target users: Data, engineering; Marketing teams require engineer support
  • Data management: Requires engineering to set up and manage; no-code solution for reverse ETL
  • Enrichment/intelligence: Identity resolution & event tracking

  • Core features: Tag management, advanced audience creation
  • Engineering required: Low code to launch and ongoing use
  • Target users: Data, engineering teams; Product teams require engineer support
  • Data management: Requires engineering to create or modify data
  • Enrichment/intelligence: Identity resolution & event tracking

  • Core features:Identity resolution, predictive analytics
  • Engineering required: High code to launch, low for ongoing use
  • Target users: Data, engineering teams
  • Data management: Requires engineering to create or modify data
  • Enrichment / intelligence: Identity resolution & event tracking

Important Considerations:

  • Cost: CDPs can have substantial upfront and ongoing costs. Pricing models often depend on factors like data volume and feature usage.
  • Technical Expertise: Implementing and maintaining a CDP typically requires significant engineering resources.
  • Time to Value: The complex setup and integration process of CDPs can lead to a longer time before you see tangible results.

ModernLTV: A no-code customer data manager

ModernLTV offers a unique solution that is purpose-built for business teams at DTC subscription businesses. Here's how it differs from a traditional CDP:

  • Zero code to launch and forever: ModernLTV integrates directly with all data sources and destination apps without a single line of code. Managing or modifying customer data is done entirely through the no-code interface and automatically propagates to all destinations.
  • Marketing vs. engineering-owned: Unlike traditional CDPs, ModernLTV is fully owned by non-technical, revenue-generating teams. Business leaders have full, end-to-end control of customer data without any reliance on engineering or data teams.
  • Intelligence vs. infrastructure-driven: ModernLTV goes beyond unified customer data and reverse ETL. ModernLTV transforms data into actionable intelligence and overlays proprietary behavioral attributes that enrich all the destination apps that combat churn and maximize LTV.


ModernLTV is your new mission control

For DTC subscription businesses, ModernLTV empowers business teams with complete, end-to-end control of customer data and actionable intelligence to supercharge all their customer workflows.

  • Unified customer data management
  • Actionable customer-level intelligence
  • End-to-end data orchestration

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